Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sacred Grove on Smith Farm in Palmyra NY

I spent about twenty hours out of a 48 hour period right in this grove, wandering around, sitting and thinking, and taking photographs in an effort to catch a "definitive shot" that would portray the spirit and feeling of this place for those that have been here, and those that have spiritual roots attached to this place. I have several really great shots, but I think that this is the one shot I would pick if I could only pick one.

I had been shooting the night before and I was thinking to myself that it would be perfect if I could have some fog to filter the light. That night I set my alarm for abut 5:00 am with the intent of going out and catching some early morning light. On the drive from my hotel to the farm, I was surprised and elated to be immersed in some really heavy and dense fog. It felt like magic.

Upon reaching the grove, at first it didn't seem that the fog was in the grove very much. It seemed confined mostly to the fields. I was a bit disappointed, but I started shooting and I was getting some pretty good stuff. I had already been there an hour or so when I took this. Until I took this shot, I didn't really feel like I could leave Palmyra. I really wanted a good shot of this grove and I didn't get it until that morning. I did end up staying the rest of the day and taking some more that evening though, just for kicks.

When I left Palmyra, I was shot. I felt emotionally and creatively drained. I was sleep deprived and food deprived. It was almost like the time spent there and sucked it all out of me.

Given my personal investment in this photograph, I am intensely interested in the public response to it. I would welcome some feedback, but I want you to be totally honest about it. If it doesn't affect you, don't be afraid to say, "Dude, it's just trees and sunlight." I'll understand. :) Of course, your viewing it on a 3x4 computer image. You need to see it on a 24x30 canvass.

Check out these other shots of the grove and the Smith farm:

Tribute (My personal favorite)


Anonymous said...

Fabulous picture Alma, you captured the magic in that place without a doubt. It is actually one of the best pictures you have taken so far.

Anonymous said...

Alma, that is beautiful!!! I'd love to buy a copy of the canvas print and frame it and put it in my office. That is absolutely stunning. You captured the emotion of that sacred morning perfectly and I want it in my office. How much?

Mike Terry said...

real nice, your patience paid off i think. that black and white from the badlands is also pretty schweet.

Vello said...

Hi Alma: I found you by googling photography and sacred grove. I am sponsoring a sacred site photography contest in Estonia. How is it possible to obtain a print?

Alma said...

Please E-mail me at and we can discuss it.

Anonymous said...

Very Nice picture Alma!! Believe me I would not of taken the time to write this if I didn't mean it.....Stunning!!! :) -Paul Z.

Richard Naylor said...

Alma I just found out that you had photos of the Sacred Grove so I had see them for my self, This photo is just what I needed to remind me of that beautiful place, It really did touch my hart I just wish some of mine and been that good thanks.

Gail said...

Greetings! I love this photo of the Sacred Grove. As a convert to the Church of 50+ years, this is a special place to me, which I have visited several times. This photo really evokes the sense of place. I would love to have your permission to use some of the elements of this photograph in an oil painting. I'll email you as well, Gail in Boise, ID

Gail said...

Greetings! I love this photo of the Sacred Grove. As a convert to the Church of 50+ years, this is a special place to me, which I have visited several times. This photo really evokes the sense of place. I would love to have your permission to use some of the elements of this photograph in an oil painting. I'll email you as well, Gail in Boise, ID

Adrian said...

Thiis is awesome