Anyway, also in Santa Barbara are the Botanical Gardens, where this photo was taken. It was overcast, it rained while I was there, and I still loved it. People laugh at me when I tell them that I could spend a week there just watching the light and taking photographs as it changes. I figure that if I can spend six months photographing a University that covers three city blocks (long story), I ought to be able to spend at least a week in someplace like this.
The Redwoods were amazing to me. They are one of the hardest things that I have ever photographed simply because it is so hard to capture the majesty of it all. They seem to me like old Grandfathers. Old and wise. When I walked through the forest they seemed to smile down and say, "Welcome, we've been waiting for you."
Alma: You have an insightful eye for beauty. Amazing that I met you just 4 days before the birth of Spirit Photography. Thank you for The Alchemist I am looking forward to diving in. ~Brea~
Woo hoo...someone left a comment! :)I didn't expect you on here, that is a pleasant surprise. Happy reading!
Alma, this is a great site. You should have told me sooner. I always enjoy reading your ramblings. These are amazing pictures, some I have seen, some not. I have actually been to General Sherman myself, did you see the cluster of trees called the three sisters? I got my picture taken sitting in them...good times.
You know, I didn't see the Three Sisters. I was only there for a couple of hours before dark and it was in the winter. They had a lot of snow at the time. My intention is to go back someday when I can spend some time.
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